BusyML description markup

Every item in a Busy collection is created and stored with a description that uses a specific form of markup we call "BusyML".

Loosely, an item's description contains one or more space-separated words, and those works that start with a marker indicate some special data field.

The idea is to concentrate useful information in a way that's easy to remember and type.

The markers are:

  • # - tag
  • % - data value
  • ! - timing-related data
  • @ - url (only one allowed)
  • > - repeat timing, special because the marker itself can exist as its own word (i.e. have a space after) - only one allowed

All words without markers that appear before the repeat marker are considered the "base" description, and represent the human-readable action or topic of the item.


`Check new Mac prices #shopping #weekend %i88 !e14 @https://apple.com/store > repeat on saturday'

  • The base is "Check new Mac prices"
  • Tags are shopping and weekend
  • One data item i88 (specifically might refer to a GitLab issue iid if using the busy-gitlab integration)
  • 14 minutes of elapsed time
  • Related url is the Apple store
  • When done, the task will repeat next Saturday


Items can have tags, which are space-separated hashtags in the item description. An item can have no tags, one tag, or more than one tag. For example the following item description has the tag "errands":

go to the supermarket #errands

The only punctuation that tags can contain is the hyphen ("-").

Data values

Data values are used by integrations to correlate to outside systems. They start with % followed immediately by a 1-letter reference to the data value being tracked. Busy itself does little with the data values; it's up to the integrations.

The time tracking subsystem inserts words starting with ! into tasks. Leave them alone.


Useful place to bookmark a single URL related to the item

Repeat timing

Described on the details page.

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